Digital Marketing

Digital marketing tips and strategies for a busy online world.

Read my top three articles in this category:

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Learn About SEO

We try to answer the question “What Is SEO?” and why just SEO alone is not enough to get higher search engine rankings.

You also need a marketing campaign.

How to Rank High on Bing Search Engine

Earlier this year behemoth IT companies Microsoft and Yahoo reached a lengthy agreement to merge their search services in hope of trying to compete with the king search-land, Google.

Here are some essential tips on getting your website picked up by Bing search engine.

301 Redirects – How To Redirect Your Website URLs

How To Redirect Your Website URLs using 301 redirects. Using 301 redirects can help improve your Search Engine rankings and consolidate your visitor statistics. It’s relatively easy to implement and will help preserve those search engine rankings for existing pages.

Track Your Website Visitors with Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the best tools for analysing your website traffic. It takes very little to set up but gives plenty of information on who is visiting your website, which websites they clicked through from, how long they stayed and much, much more. Oh – and it’s free.