
Lockdown your site and protect your client data. WordPress Security tips and hacks to strengthen your website and business operations.

Read my top three website security articles:

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Hacker at a laptop

WordPress REST API Vulnerability

A vulnerability in the WordPress REST API is being exploited by hackers to deface and remote execute scripts on sites running WordPress 4.7 adn 4.7.1. The issue has been fixed in version 4.7.2.

Tim Thumb Zero-Day Exploit

Tim Thumb Zero Day Exploit

Yet again a serious zero day exploit is found in the popular Tim Thumb image resizing script allowing for attacks on your website. This script is seriously an evil bit of code and should be eradicated from the Interwebs completely.

Installing Linux Malware Detect on a CentOS 6 VPS

As a prelude to my upcoming WordPress Sydney meetup talk on WordPress Security I’m going to show you how you can beef up security on your Virtual Private Server (VPS) by installing a piece of software called Linux Malware Detect or LMD.