WordPress Consultancy

Complete the form for a 1 hour consultancy session. I generally consult on Wed and Thu 10 am to 1 pm. I’ll text or call you to confirm a time.

Required for receipt Tell me a bit about what your issue is and how you’d like me to help.
Phone or Zoom?(Required)Which method would you prefer to consult in. Zoom is preferred if you have visuals you’d like to show me like some web pages.
Do you need a tax recepit?(Required)
Wil Brown Headshot

Wil Brown, Consultant

I’ve been working with WordPress since 2008 and have expert-level knowledge of how it works and integrates into new or existing businesses.

I can help define and align your WordPress solution with your business strategies, deliver the right skills and expertise, save you time and money, make complex projects simple and protect your valuable business data.

One-on-One Help For WordPress Beginners

Yes, WordPress powers over 33% of the interwebs.  It is an amazing tool that allows you to quickly add content online – if you already know how to use it!

If you are a beginner-level WordPress user it can be daunting and frustrating learning how to edit menus, curate content, deal with plugins misbehaving, themes and styling.

I can help you reign in the WordPress beast, tame that juggernaut before it gets out of control.

Book some one-on-one time with me and power through the barriers you need to overcome quickly while learning how WordPress works at the same time.

There’s only so much you can learn from tutorials and YouTube videos and you certainly can’t ask them to explain how it applies to your own situation.

I work with individuals and freelancers all the time to help them get unstuck on their WordPress journey.

Common WordPress Beginner Issues

  • Finding the right hosting solution for your site
  • How to properly secure WordPress from hacking attempts
  • How to make my site go faster
  • Remove or hide an element
  • Problems with widgets and formatting
  • Whether to use caching plugins
  • Moving a site to another server
  • How to make changes/redesign on a local machine
  • Problems with page builders
  • Search engine optimisation
  • Implementing child themes
  • Setting up backups

Does that sound like you?

Hire An Expert WordPress Consultant & Developer

Consultation For Businesses

You have likely been running WordPress in your business for some time now, and you have mastered how to add and edit content.

But your WordPress installation has now become a monster and is taking longer and longer to manage all those plugins, some of which you only need to use a handful of times, but you daren’t remove.

Perhaps it’s time for an overhaul, a complete rebuild to make it leaner and meaner for your business?

Or you want WordPress to work smarter for you, integrating into your other company systems and automating as much as possible to give you back time to focus on running your business efficiently and, of course, making more money!

I’ve worked with businesses big and small to integrate a lean, efficient WordPress system into their business.  I can help you too!

Common Problems Businesses Face With WordPress

  • Website is very slow and don’t know where to start to find the issue
  • WordPress doesn’t scale as the business grows
  • Site keeps getting hacked repeatedly
  • Seasonal spikes crash the web server
  • Duplication of data in multiple systems causing compliance issues
  • How to properly define roles and access to content
  • How to syndicate data properly across multiple devices
  • How to effectively manage multiple WordPress sites
  • Which is the best Single Sign On service to use
  • Not getting quality leads / Sales funnels performing poorly
  • Landing pages are not converting as expected
  • No backup, testing, retention and restoration procedures

Does that sound like your business?

Not sure if you need to hire a consultant?

I find that many businesses are unsure what the key differences between hiring a freelancer and a consultant are, so I wrote an article on it!

Give it a read and navigate back to this page once you have finished so you can book a free 15-minute call with me.

wordpress consultant sydney

Should I Hire a WordPress Consultant or a Freelancer?

By Wil | April 2, 2019

What does a WordPress consultant do and what are the differences between a consultant and a freelancer? Which one is best for your business?

Book an hour consultancy at the top of this page. ☝️
