Custom Post Types – WPQuickies

In this lunchtime #WPQuickies, I’ll take a quick look at creating WordPress custom post types with

WordPress Custom Post Types #WPQuickies webinar

In this webinar I cover the following topics.

What Are Posts In WordPress?

Everything inside WordPress is stored as a post in the database.  Posts have a type which can be: post (blogs), page, attachment, revision, nav menu.   WordPress also allows you to register your own post types and these are called Custom Post Types (or CPT’s).

What are Custom Post Types?

Custom Post Types can be any kind of content you want to store in WordPress.

You may run a book website/shop and want to allow customers to leave a review of the book.

Other examples of popular CPT’s would be: Testimonials, Portfolios, Products etc.

You can restrict a CPT to only work in the admin (backend) of the site and make it accessible to the public (frontend) of the site.

You can give a CPT custom roles and capabilities to make it accessible to whomever (admins, editor, shop owners).

Traditionally to create a CPT requires a shed-load of PHP code in your theme’s functions.php or a custom plugin, but not any longer.

You can download Pods form the plugin repo or directly from their website at

The plugin is completely free with no paid option.


Watch the webinar for a demonstration of

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The playlist is also embedded below, click the hamburger menu in the top right of the video to see the others in the series.

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