How to Clear IE 10 Cache

Internet Explorer (IE 10) stores temporary files such as text, images and other data on your local computer for faster browsing.  This is called caching.

The browser looks at its local copy of the files and decides whether or not to show you those rather than downloading new files from the website.

However, sometimes this process can become broken and rather than seeing the new files on the website IE 10 will show the local out-of-date files.

So how do you fix this?

Easy.  You need to the clear IE 10 cache which will delete all those local files and force Internet Explorer to download fresh new copies from the website.

Clearing / Deleting the IE 10 Cache

  1. Open up IE 10 (duh)
  2. Click on the Cog icon in the top right-hand corner of the IE window Menu Bar.
    Select Safety > Delete browsing history… from the drop-down to clear IE 10 cache - Step 1Note: If you have disabled the Menu Bar you can get the same results by doing a <CTRL> + <Shift> + <Del>
  3. This will open up the Delete Browsing History dialog box.
    Uncheck all options except “Temporary Internet files and website files” and “Cookies and website data”how to clear IE 10 cache - step 2Click on the Delete button.
  4. Once finished Internet Explorer will display a confirmation dialog box at the bottom of the browser to clear IE 10 cache - step 3Go ahead and dismiss the confirmation dialog box by clicking on the cross at its top right-hand side.

Congratulations! You have zapped all those pesky out-of-date cache files forever (or at least until the next browser refresh).

Extra Tip – Go Private

How do you know if your cache is out-of-date compared with the live website?

Easy.  Start up an InPrivate browser window and navigate to your website.

InPrivate browsing does not store cache on the local machine.  Internet Explorer will always download the files from the website when InPrivate browsing.

To open this up, from the menu select Tools > InPrivate Browsing or use <CTRL> + <Shift> + <P>

IE 10 inprivate browsing - step 1

IE 10 inprivate browsing - step 2

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