Dublin WordPress July 2011 Meetup

We had a good turnout for the Dublin WordPress July 2011 meetup with a mixture of bloggers, developers, trainers, project managers and users.

It’s just fascinating to find out the different ways that people are using WordPress here in Dublin.

Fantastic Meetup last night – really nice and interesting group of people: bloggers, developers, designers, writers, newbies and old-hands – great mix, look forward to our next WordPress Meetup ;-).

Julie Sebode – WordPress Courses Ireland

Some of the topics discussed this month were; development & deployment frameworks, Google+, business training, and dashboard customisation.

Dublin WordPress Monthly Meetup

The meetup is aimed at bringing together a community of WordPress business users, bloggers, developers.

We meet on the last Thursday of every month in The Bull & Castle from 6.30pm onwards.

You’ll find us in the upstairs beer hall.  Look the a table sign with the group logo or ask the bar staff.

There’s more information at the Dublin WordPress Meetup page.

Join up and RSVP for the next Dublin event.

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