HTML Codes and ASCII Special Characters

Here’s a handy HTML code reference to help you include those special characters in your web pages.

The first table contains the common 255 ASCII characters in the English language set.  The second table are some additional special characters.

Note that not all browsers will support all the codes, especially the special symbols in the second table.  Try and test!

Friendly Code Numerical Code Display Hex Description
	 Horizontal Tab

 Line feed
  20 space
! ! 21 Exclamation point
" " 22 Double quote
# # 23 Number sign
$ $ 24 Dollar sign
% % 25 Percent sign
& & & 26 ampersand (also called ‘and’ sign)
' 27 Single quote
( ( 28 Left parenthesis
) ) 29 Right parenthesis
* * 2A Asterisk (star)
+ + 2B Plus
, , 2C Comma
- 2D Minus (hyphen)
. . 2E Period
/ / 2F Forward slash
0 0 30 Zero
1 1 31 One
2 2 32 Two
3 3 33 Three
4 4 34 Four
5 5 35 Five
6 6 36 Six
7 7 37 Seven
8 8 38 Eight
9 9 39 Nine
: : 3A Colon
&#59; ; 3B Semi-colon
&lt; &#60; < 3C Less-than sign
&#61; = 3D Equal sign
&gt; &#62; > 3E Greater-than sign
&#63; ? 3F Question mark
&#64; @ 40 At-sign
&#65; A 41 Capital a
&#66; B 42 Capital b
&#67; C 43 Capital c
&#68; D 44 Capital d
&#69; E 45 Capital e
&#70; F 46 Capital f
&#71; G 47 Capital g
&#72; H 48 Capital h
&#73; I 49 Capital i
&#74; J 4A Capital j
&#75; K 4B Capital k
&#76; L 4C Capital l
&#77; M 4D Capital m
&#78; N 4E Capital n
&#79; O 4F Capital o
&#80; P 50 Capital p
&#81; Q 51 Capital q
&#82; R 52 Capital r
&#83; S 53 Capital s
&#84; T 54 Capital t
&#85; U 55 Capital u
&#86; V 56 Capital v
&#87; W 57 Capital w
&#88; X 58 Capital x
&#89; Y 59 Capital y
&#90; Z 5A Capital z
&#91; [ 5B Left square bracket
&#92; \ 5C Back slash
&#93; ] 5D Right square bracket
&#94; ^ 5E Caret
&#95; _ 5F Underscore
&#96; ` 60 Grave accent
&#97; a 61 Lowercase a
&#98; b 62 Lowercase b
&#99; c 63 Lowercase c
&#100; d 64 Lowercase d
&#101; e 65 Lowercase e
&#102; f 66 Lowercase f
&#103; g 67 Lowercase g
&#104; h 68 Lowercase h
&#105; i 69 Lowercase i
&#106; j 6A Lowercase j
&#107; k 6B Lowercase k
&#108; l 6C Lowercase l
&#109; m 6D Lowercase m
&#110; n 6E Lowercase n
&#111; o 6F Lowercase o
&#112; p 70 Lowercase p
&#113; q 71 Lowercase q
&#114; r 72 Lowercase r
&#115; s 73 Lowercase s
&#116; t 74 Lowercase t
&#117; u 75 Lowercase u
&#118; v 76 Lowercase v
&#119; w 77 Lowercase w
&#120; x 78 Lowercase x
&#121; y 79 Lowercase y
&#122; z 7A Lowercase z
&#123; { 7B Left curly brace
&#124; | 7C Vertical bar
&#125; } 7D Right curly brace
&tilde; &#126; ~ 7E tilde
&#127;  7F Not defined
&#128; 20AC Euro
&#129; Unknown
&sbquo; &#130; 201A Single low-quote
&#131; ƒ 192 Function symbol (lowercase f with hook)
&dbquo; &#132; 201E Double low-quote
&#133; 2026 Elipsis
&dagger; &#134; 2020 Dagger
&Dagger; &#135; 2021 Double dagger
&#136; ˆ Hatchek
&permil; &#137; 2030 Per million symbol
&#138; Š 160 Capital esh
&lsaquo; &#139; Left single angle quote
&#140; Œ 152 OE ligature
&#141; Unknown
&#142; Ž Capital ž
&#143; Unknown
&#144; Unknown
&lsquo; &#145; 2018 Left single-quote
&rsquo; &#146; 2019 Right single-quote
&ldquo; &#147; 201C Left double-quote
&rdquo; &#148; 201D Right double-quote
&#149; 2022 Small bullet
&ndash; &#150; 2013 En dash
&mdash; &#151; 2014 Em dash
&tilde &#152; ˜ Tilde
&trade; &#153; 2122 Trademark
&#154; š 161 Lowercase esh
&rsaquo; &#155; Right single angle quote
&#156; œ 153 oe ligature
&#157; Unknown
&#158; ž Lowercase ž
&Yuml; &#159; Ÿ 178 Uppercase y-umlaut
&nbsp; &#160; A0 Non-breaking space
&iexcl; &#161; ¡ A1 Inverted exclamation point
&cent; &#162; ¢ A2 Cent
&pound; &#163; £ A3 Pound currency sign
&curren; &#164; ¤ A4 Currency sign
&yen; &#165; ¥ A5 Yen currency sign
&brvbar; &#166; ¦ A6 Broken vertical bar
&sect; &#167; § A7 Section symbol
&uml; &#168; ¨ A8 Umlaut (Diaeresis)
&copy; &#169; © A9 Copyright
&ordf; &#170; ª AA Feminine ordinal indicator (superscript lowercase a)
&laquo; &#171; « AB Left angle quote
&not; &#172; ¬ AC Not sign
&shy; &#173; ­ AD Soft hyphen
&reg; &#174; ® AE Registered sign
&macr; &#175; ¯ AF Macron
&deg; &#176; ° B0 Degree sign
&plusmn; &#177; ± B1 Plus/minus sign
&sup2; &#178; ² B2 Superscript 2
&sup3; &#179; ³ B3 Superscript 3
&#180; ´ B4 Acute accent
&micro; &#181; µ B5 Micro sign
&para; &#182; B6 Pilcrow sign (paragraph)
&middot; &#183; · B7 Middle dot
&cedil; &#184; ¸ B8 Cedilla
&sup1; &#185; ¹ B9 Superscript 1
&ordm; &#186; º BA Masculine ordinal indicator (superscript o)
&raquo; &#187; » BB Right angle quote
&frac14; &#188; ¼ BC One quarter fraction
&frac12; &#189; ½ BD One half fraction
&frac34; &#190; ¾ BE Three quarters fraction
¿ &#191; ¿ BF Inverted question mark
&Agrave; &#192; À C0 A grave accent
&Aacute; &#193; Á C1 A accute accent
&Acirc; &#194; Â C2 A circumflex
&Atilde; &#195; Ã C3 A tilde
&Auml; &#196; Ä C4 A umlaut
&Aring; &#197; Å C5 A ring
&AElig; &#198; Æ C6 AE ligature
&Ccedil; &#199; Ç C7 C cedilla
&Egrave; &#200; È C8 E grave
&Eacute; &#201; É C9 E acute
&Ecirc; &#202; Ê CA E circumflex
&Euml; &#203; Ë CB E umlaut
&Igrave; &#204; Ì CC I grave
&Iacute; &#205; Í CD I acute
&Icirc; &#206; Î CE I circumflex
&Iuml; &#207; Ï CF I umlaut
&ETH; &#208; Ð D0 Eth
&Ntilde; &#209; Ñ D1 N tilde (enye)
&Ograve; &#210; Ò D2 O grave
&Oacute; &#211; Ó D3 O acute
&Ocirc; &#212; Ô D4 O circumflex
&Otilde; &#213; Õ D5 O tilde
&Ouml; &#214; Ö D6 O umlaut
&times; &#215; × D7 Multiplication sign
&Oslash; &#216; Ø D8 O slash
&Ugrave; &#217; Ù D9 U grave
&Uacute; &#218; Ú DA U acute
&Ucirc; &#219; Û DB U circumflex
&Uuml; &#220; Ü DC U umlaut
&Yacute; &#221; Ý DD Y acute
&THORN; &#222; Þ DE Thorn
&szlig; &#223; ß DF SZ ligature
&agrave; &#224; à E0 a grave
&aacute; &#225; á E1 a acute
&acirc; &#226; â E2 a circumflex
&atilde; &#227; ã E3 a tilde
&auml; &#228; ä E4 a umlaut
&aring; &#229; å E5 a ring
&aelig; &#230; æ E6 ae ligature
&ccedil; &#231; ç E7 c cedilla
&egrave; &#232; è E8 e grave
&eacute; &#233; é E9 e acute
&ecirc; &#234; ê EA e circumflex
&euml; &#235; ë EB e umlaut
&igrave; &#236; ì EC i grave
&iacute; &#237; í ED i acute
&icirc; &#238; î EE i circumflex
&iuml; &#239; ï EF i umlaut
&eth; &#240; ð F0 eth
&ntilde; &#241; ñ F1 n tilde
&ograve; &#242; ò F2 o grave
&oacute; &#243; ó F3 o acute
&ocirc; &#244; ô F4 o circumflex
&otilde; &#245; õ F5 o tilde
&ouml; &#246; ö F6 o umlaut
&divide; &#247; ÷ F7 Division symbol
&oslash; &#248; ø F8 o slash
&ugrave; &#249; ù F9 u grave
&uacute; &#250; ú FA u acute
&ucirc; &#251; û FB u circumflex
&uuml; &#252; ü FC u umlaut
&yacute; &#253; ý FD y acute
&thorn; &#254; þ FE thorn
&yuml; &#255; ÿ FF y umlaut
Friendly Code Display Description
&spades; Spade card suit
&clubs; Clubs card suit
&diams; Diamonds card suit
&hearts; Hearts card suit
&oline; Overline
&larr; Left arrow
&rarr; Right arrow
&uarr; Up arrow
&darr; Down arrow
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