If your WooCommerce shop deals with multiple product currencies, you will want this plugin to funnel payments through your preferred payment gateways for that currency.
Sometimes I find that processing foreign currencies through a certain WooCommerce payment gateway incurs higher fees than others.
I found this fantastic plugin which allows your to set which payment gateway WooCommerce will use based on the currency selected.
It operates in two modes: Convert Currencies or Restrict Currencies.
Convert Currencies
This option allows you to force a payment gateway to convert to a selected currency.
In the screen shot below, the “Check payments” payment gateway is set to convert all proces to US dollars using a specified conversion rate.
The “Direct bank transfer” payment gateway is showing a dropdown of currencies with Canadian dollar selected.

Of course you can specify not to convert the currency wich is also the default option.
Restrict Currencies
I find that the Restrict Currencies mode is more useful.
For each payment gateway you can add multiple allowed currencies for that gateway to process.
Conversely, if there is a currency you don’t wan to a payment gateway to process you can add that to the “Denied currencies” field.
The screenshot below shows the “Direct bank transfer” payment gateway being set to not process US dollars.
The “Cash on delivery” payment gateway as been set to allow processing of Swiss francs and Euros.

Free vs Pro
The free version of the plugin available from the WordPress.org repository works with the default out-of-the-box WooCommerce payment gateways only; Direct bank transfer, Check payments, Cash on delivery and PayPal Standard.
If you are looking to use this plugin with other WooCommerce payment gateways such as Stripe, you will have to purchase the Pro version of this plugin.

There are lots of payment options for the pro version – I usually go for lifetime, unlimited deals; pay once.
A great lightweight plugin which does one thing very well and could save you thousands each year in payment processing fees. ????