WordPress Custom Development

I help fill the gaps where those off-the-shelf plugins and themes don’t quite fill with some custom WordPress development.  It happens more often than you think!

That could be connecting WordPress with a bespoke company system, pulling data in from an API service or just extending the functionality of an existing plugin or theme that you are already using and familiar with.

I have written custom code for 100’s of WordPress sites some run by individuals and others by business owners big and small.

I’ve worked with most of the big popular plugins that make up the majority of blogs, brochure sites, eCommerce sites, membership sites and niche themes such as realtors, photographers, finance and everything in between.

Some examples of projects where I’ve been hired to provide consultancy and custom development.

Salesforce Integration

Two-way data integration from WordPress registrations and user milestone completions.

LearnDash Caching

Custom LearnDash table and WP_Query requests to speed up front-end and admin dashboard for +10,000 users.

Gravity Forms

Realex payment processor add-on with full PCI and GDRP compliance to allow payments using major credit cards.

Enterprise Content Syndication

Pulling data out from enterprise CMS syndicator to publish WordPress Gutenberg block posts.


Traversing and reading car data objects for make, model and license plate numbers to generate paid reports.

REST API Callbacks

Custom WordPress REST API callback endpoint functions to export data and run WP cron schedules.

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