Do the Woo Podcast: WordCamp Sydney with Wil Brown

Wil shares updates on WordCamp Sydney’s organisation, including the diverse team of organisers from across Australia, the challenges of planning in a post-COVID world, and the focus on rebuilding local WordPress communities
WordCamp Melbourne 2013 Report
An in-depth overview of the WordCamp Melbourne 2013 conference focusing on the Developer / High Tech stream.
WordPress for noobs Talk at WordCamp Sydney 2012
Wil’s talk on Wordpress for noobs given at WordCamp Sydney this year. The talk as aimed at complete beginners, so if you haven’t seen WordPress before or are just getting started, this is the video for you.
State of the Word 2012
Watch Matt Mullenweg’s “State of the Word 2012” video from WordCamp San Francisco.
WordPress for Noobs – WordCamp Sydney 2012 Talk
Slideshare for our WordPress for Noobs talk given at WordCamp Sydney 2012.