Twitter releases new Follow button

Twitter launched yet another social button yesterday, announced in a blog post on the company’s site.

The new Follow button achieves the same goal of allowing you to follow a tweeter.  The difference is that it takes one less click to follow someone.

Previously the process was a two-step process. Website visitors would click on a “Follow me on Twitter” button which would open up the tweeters profile page on the Twitter website then having to click on the Follow button to complete the process.

As long as you are logged into your Twitter account, clicking on the new Twitter Follow button will instantly allow you to follow a tweeter which is great news.

If you’re not logged in, a pop-up box will appear prompting you to do so.

The new button shows that Twitter is listening to it’s users and helping businesses increase their social connections more effectively.

How to install the new Twitter Follow button

To install the Twitter Follow button, open up Twitter’s Follow button resources page.

If not already filled out, enter your Twitter username, select the background colour options (light or dark), select whether or not you want to include a follower counter and then choose your language.

A preview of the button will appear on the right hand side (not currently available in https) with the code you need displayed underneath it.

Simply select the code and paste it right onto your page wherever you want the button to be placed.  Our button is on our homepage and also included on the line below.

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