Removing the WordPress Version Number
Displaying the WordPress version number in your website’s source code may help hackers target exploits. Remove it today!
Force WordPress to use SSL
Sometimes you need a high level of security for your WordPress website. Did you know you can force WordPress to use SSL?
Timthumb is Evil

More and more WordPress websites are being hacked through exploiting the timthumb.php script. The script is evil and needs to be removed from all websites.
How to Restore a Hacked WordPress Site

Have you ever had your WordPress site hacked and did you have to pay somebody to restore it? Here’s my 21-step process to restore a hacked WordPress site.
Stopping WordPress Media Attachment Comment Spamming

There’s nothing worse than receiving comment spamming on your Wordpress site.
Well, there is actually and that’s receiving comment spamming on your media attachments! Grrrrr…..
Now there may be many WordPress users out there who are unaware of what this is, so let me tell you how it works and how annoying it is.
Is Your Facebook Business Page Secure?
This month Facebook rolled out tighter security options for accessing it’s pages. Make sure your account settings are as secure as they can be.