Move A WordPress Site To HTTPS – WPQuickies

In this lunchtime #WPQuickies, I take a quick look at the best ways to move a WordPress website from HTTP to encrypted, safe and secure HTTPS.
WordPress Child Themes – WPQuickies

In this lunchtime #WPQuickies, I take a quick look at creating WordPress child themes.
Custom Post Types – WPQuickies

In this lunchtime #WPQuickies, l’ll take a quick look at creating WordPress custom post types with
Best Web Hosting for WordPress – WPQuickies

In this lunchtime #WPQuickies, l’ll take a quick look at selecting the best web hosting plan for you and your website.
Tweaking Your Website With CSS – WPQuickies

How to tweak your WordPress website with CSS with a demo of how to use browser Inspectors to target HTML tag ID’s and classes. #WPQuickies
My Thoughts After Using Gutenberg For a Year

How Gutenberg has changed the way I now write my WordPress blog posts and probably not for the better. With a focus on using Grammarly.
How to Rename the WordPress Debug Log

Renaming the WordPress debug log file is super easy. You can modify it in the configuration file or your theme functions file. Here’s how.
How To Use a Bash Script To Restart Linux Server Services

Use a script to restart critical Linux services such as the web or database server. Restart nginx, apache2, MySQL or PHP-fpm automatically.
[SOLVED] The site is experiencing technical difficulties

Here’s how to fix “The site is experiencing technical difficulties” WordPress error that has confused many experienced WordPress Users.
How to Find Duplicate Email Addresses in WordPress

Quickly find duplicate email addresses in the WordPress users table in the database so you can maintain a unique email address per user.
How to Upgrade to WordPress 5

Upgrading to WordPress 5 needn’t be scary. Follow these updating steps to seamlessly update your theme, plugins and core to WordPress 5.
How To Remove an Action Hook or Filter Added By a Class in WordPress

Here is the correct way to remove an action hook or filter, after it has been created inside a WordPress PHP Class.