Upscaling WordPress for High-Traffic

This excellent talk about upscaling WordPress for high traffic websites was given by Envato developer Ryan Allen during WordCamp Melbourne conference this year.

What’s New in WordPress 3.2

WordPress Gershwin includes a refreshed admin user interface, minimalist full screen editing and a new Twenty Eleven theme that is built with HTML 5.

Dublin WordPress First Meetup

The meetup is aimed at bringing together a community of WordPress business users, bloggers, developers. We meet on the last Thursday of every month in The Bull & Castle from 6.30pm onwards.

How to remove the WordPress Generator Meta Tag

The WordPress generator meta tag displays your website’s WordPress version for anyone to see. This can be a security risk for your website but it is easy to remove.
Here’s how to remove the WordPress generator meta tag from your WordPress installation.

15 Essential WordPress Plugins to Make Your Website Work Better

WordPress is our CMS of choice because it’s easy to use and has some great features right out-of-the-box. Here is our round-up of the third-party essential WordPress plugins that we find ourselves frequently using to bring that extra superness to our customer websites.