How To Reduce TTFB and Improve Page Load Speed

Improve your website’s speed and performance with these tips to reduce TTFB (time to first byte) and improve page load speed. Run these three baseline tests.
Get Data From Multiple Tables Using SQL

Here’s how to get data from multiple tables using SQL. Retrieve multiple WordPress post and postmeta meta_key and meta_value data pairs in a single SQL command.
How To Move WordPress To Another Web Host – WPQuickies

Here’s how to properly move WordPress to a new web host. Migrating WordPress, moving web host.
Who Owns WordPress? – WPQuickies

Who owns the WordPress CMS that now powers almost 45% of all websites? The answer is not as easy as you might think.
Will Page Builders Replace Web Designers & Developers? – WPQuickies

Will page builders take over the world and put everyone out of business?
WordPress Updates: How Do They Work? – WPQuickies

Regularly updating WordPress will keep your site secure and healthy. Here’s how WordPress updates work.
Remove WordPress Header and Footer Using CSS – WPQuickies

Removing the WordPress header and footer on landing pages helps with conversions. Here’s how to remove the header and footer on WordPress single pages using CSS.
WordPress Slugs What Are They & How To Change Them – WPQuickies

Optimise your WordPress slugs for better SEO results and more clicks from humans.
How To Reset a WordPress Site – WPQuickies

I will show you the easiest way to reset WordPress to its default settings. If you are looking for a WordPress reset, you have found it.
How Do WordPress Hooks, Actions and Filters Work? – WPQuickies

As a developer, you’ll want to make sure that you understand the concept of WordPress Hooks, Actions and Filters.
Can WordPress Handle Heavy Traffic? – WPQuickies

Can WordPress handle enterprise-level, heavy traffic with millions of visitors per day? Let’s find out.
WordPress Mobile App For Self-Hosted Sites – WPQuickies

Manage your self-hosted WordPress website on the official WordPress app. Here’s a guide to what you can and can’t do with the WordPress mobile app.