Why Simple Character Substitution for Passwords is Now a Pile of 5h1t

Password management guru Bill Burr says we’re all doing passwords wrongly. He regrets his advice of 15 years ago. Find out why?
Chrome and Firefox Domain Name Phishing Attack

Beware of fake domain name phishing attacks using English looking unicode character domain names on Chrome and Firefox browsers. Security severity is HIGH.
WordPress REST API Vulnerability

A vulnerability in the WordPress REST API is being exploited by hackers to deface and remote execute scripts on sites running WordPress 4.7 adn 4.7.1. The issue has been fixed in version 4.7.2.
Which SSL Cert Should I Use For My Website?

Are you confused about which SSL cert you should purchase? We look at the types of available SSL Certs and explain the different uses of each for your website and why they differ in prices.
WordPress Security: Nulled Scripts & CryptoPHP Infection

There’s new malware out there targeting WordPress, Joomla and Drupal sites. Nulled scripts with CryptoPHP malware. Read all about it and how to secure your site against it.
WordPress 4.0.1 Critical Update

WordPress has released 4.0.1 as a security update addressing issues with the CMS core. This is a critical update so upgrade today.
Using SSL To Build Trust With Your Website Visitors
Why potential customers don’t trust your eCommerce site and how using SSL can overcome that trust issue.
Tim Thumb Zero Day Exploit

Yet again a serious zero day exploit is found in the popular Tim Thumb image resizing script allowing for attacks on your website. This script is seriously an evil bit of code and should be eradicated from the Interwebs completely.
Will My Website Break If I Update WordPress?

There is a myth that updating to the latest WordPress version will break your website. It’s very is unlikely. Find out why.
WordPress Security Best Practices

Slides from the WordPress Sydney meetup group talk on WordPress Security Best Practices.
Installing Linux Malware Detect on a CentOS 6 VPS
As a prelude to my upcoming WordPress Sydney meetup talk on WordPress Security I’m going to show you how you can beef up security on your Virtual Private Server (VPS) by installing a piece of software called Linux Malware Detect or LMD.
Recursively Set WordPress File Permissions
Here’s a simple bash script that will recursively set WordPress file permissions to their CHMOD recommended values.