Google Project Glass
Google’s new Project Glass concept is causing a stir in the tech world. Google’s co-founder Sergey Brin was spotted wearing the new prototype augmented reality specs.
Sign up for the Google+ developer API
Google releases a mailing list sign-up to notify developers when the Google+ API is released.
Google urges businesses to hold off on using Google+
Google has outlined its commitment to extend the new Google+ social media network for businesses later this year.
Google Panda 2.2 Update Coming Soon
Google has approved a Panda 2.2 update and it will be rolled out to English searches “soon”. What will the update address?
How to add the Google +1 Button to your website and track it with Google Analytics
The Google +1 Button is here. Add the +1 button code to your website and track +1 clicks in Google Analytics.
Ireland cheers Google Street View car
Staff from Google Ireland’s office, along with some bemused passers-by, gathered outside the office to cheer on the Google Street View car as it made a scheduled drive-by.
Google to roll out Social Search globally
Google announces the global roll out of Social Search as another search engine update looms. Social Search includes results from Twitter and other sites in the search results.
Google +1 Button is Just Weeks Away
Google announced at its I/O Conference this week that the Google +1 button is just “a matter of weeks away.”
Is your website ready to implement the new button?
Will your website suffer under Google’s latest algorithm update?
Does your website rank lower after Google’s latest search engine update?
The update penalises “low-quality” sites but what does that mean and could your website be affected?
Adding a UK Google Local Listing
Learn how easy it is to add your business to Google Places and have your listing appear alongside local searches.
Google Instant Search Review – Love it or Hate it?
Google Instant Search has been with us for a couple of months now. What is it and which camp do you plant your flag in – love it or hate it?
Google Gets A Caffeine Fix
How will Google Caffeine affect your website’s results page ranking?