My Blog Posts

WordPress 3.8 and Flat Design

WordPress 3.8 is going to look very different with a Dashboard overhaul giving it a new flat UI and the new Twenty Fourteen theme arrives just in time for Christmas.

Find out what else has changed in this release.

Disabling WP Cron

Disabling WP-Cron in WordPress

WP-Cron sucks. A lot! Here’s how to disable WP-Cron in WordPress and use a server Cron Tab to manually run WP-Cron properly. Your scheduled posts will love you for it.

How to Clear IE 10 Cache

Here’s how to easily clear IE 10 cache. A quick step-by-step guide on how to clear / delete cache files from Internet Explorer 10

Writer’s Epic Job Resignation

Most of us would write a short resignation letter when it’s that time but writer Marina Shifrin decided to quit her job in style with an epic job resignation video.

Installing Linux Malware Detect on a CentOS 6 VPS

As a prelude to my upcoming WordPress Sydney meetup talk on WordPress Security I’m going to show you how you can beef up security on your Virtual Private Server (VPS) by installing a piece of software called Linux Malware Detect or LMD.

What is the Future of Mobile Web Browsing?

As more of us are using mobile devices to access the Interwebs. We asked WPtouch developer and co-founder of BraveNewCode, Duane Storey, for his expert views on the Future of Mobile Web Browsing.

Drop-Ins and Must-Use WordPress Plugins

Drop-ins allow you to replace some of the core WordPress functionality and Must Use plugins are always active and can’t be uninstalled from the dashboard. Let’s find out more.