How To Set a Page as the Parent of a WordPress Custom Post Type
What if you needed to set a particular page or post in your website as the parent to your new custom post types?
Here’s a solution for that.
What if you needed to set a particular page or post in your website as the parent to your new custom post types?
Here’s a solution for that.
Using an image sprite, we show you how to create dashboard menu icons for your custom post types that change on hover, just like the the core WP icons.
WordPress provides access to post and page data within “the loop”, but what if you need to get this information outside of the loop?
Why WordPress asks for FTP information and how you can stop typing in your details in each time you perform a plugin or core upgrade.
We had a good turnout for the Dublin WordPress July 2011 meetup with a mixture of bloggers, developers and users.
Are you frustrated by the choice of thumbnail images Facebook offers when linking to your website pages? Here’s how to fix it.
This excellent talk about upscaling WordPress for high traffic websites was given by Envato developer Ryan Allen during WordCamp Melbourne conference this year.
Google releases a mailing list sign-up to notify developers when the Google+ API is released.
Google has outlined its commitment to extend the new Google+ social media network for businesses later this year.
A WordPress tip that only seasoned developers will know about and do. It will also keep your WordPress website safer.
Here is our defination guide to those secret web design buzz words that other web design agencies don’t want you know.
Site Explorer, one of the oldest and best SEO tools for gathering website information will shut down in 2011.
Strengthen your WordPress site security today with this FREE easy-to-implement eBook.
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