TweetDeck is bought by Twitter for $40 millon
TweetDeck has been bought by Twitter ending months of internet speculation. It will now become the official Twitter desktop and mobile client.
TweetDeck has been bought by Twitter ending months of internet speculation. It will now become the official Twitter desktop and mobile client.
How to increase the maximum file upload size in WordPress allowing you to upload and process larger files.
When logging into Facebook today we noticed a new feature, highlighted by a popup, that allows users to “see all your pages in one place”.
Google announces the global roll out of Social Search as another search engine update looms. Social Search includes results from Twitter and other sites in the search results.
Today has seen the launch of a new Google blog called Inside Search dedicated to discussions, issues and updates surrounding their search engine algorithms.
If you’re in any way interested or involved in SEO, subscribe to this blog today.
WordPress is our CMS of choice because it’s easy to use and has some great features right out-of-the-box. Here is our round-up of the third-party essential WordPress plugins that we find ourselves frequently using to bring that extra superness to our customer websites.
Came across this interesting “episode” while searching for information on how people are dealing with the huge choices of links returned by search engines, i.e. web link overload.
What counts as a high-quality website according to Google? Google has released some more information on the Webmaster Central Blog about how its algorithms determine high-quality website content.
WordPress has a habit of altering or removing HTML code when in “Visial” edit mode. Always Edit In HTML is a WordPress plugin that removes the “Visual” tab in the page/post editor and opens up your page or post in HTML mode.
Thought to be the first of its kind, a UK High Court judge has ordered an injunction which bans publication of information on Twitter and Facebook.
Google announced at its I/O Conference this week that the Google +1 button is just “a matter of weeks away.”
Is your website ready to implement the new button?
WordPress has issued another update v3.1.2 to its Content Management System (CMS) that fixes an important security issue. Should you upgrade?
Strengthen your WordPress site security today with this FREE easy-to-implement eBook.
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